jeez feel like im gonna fall over so much movement

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
Any moms feel like ur tummy is a jungle gym


  • AGREED! What are u having boy or girl?! I've had 2 different Dr's tell me how active my little girl is, and that they can't remember the last time they've seen a little girl that moved soo much, & thy say girls tend to be lazier in the womb! Lol
  • Same wit me my doctor is like omg can't believe how much ur lil girl moves around n my son didn't move this much like she does this one is so much different then my first
  • How far along are you @mommyoftwo87? I'm 24wks and my lil girl is def going to be hyper I can tell already. She shocks every u/s tech because she literally is hardcore dancing around in there. She's just gotten to the point were she realized she can try and push her way out my tummy...hurts like hell but it is super cute.
  • Awww I haven't felt much for the past 2 days :( 25w
  • Im 25 week im messured my tummy yesterday its 48 inches everyone thinks im havin twins but nope just a girl Shea everywhere plays the drums on my bladder and loves my ribs no fun it hurts
  • Oh no tha isn't good at all u might want too get tha look at make sure ur baby is ok wut u havin
  • Me. I just posted yesterday that my little ayva was bouncng around for over 6 hrs!!! No more gatorade for her. She's a wild one. This a.m. my boyfriend came home from work and started talking to her and telling her to wake up. I was like ru crazy! Lol sure enough as soon as she heard daddys voice she was wide awake. He was shocked that she was moving so much. And then he asked if it keeps me up. Hmm what do u think haha. It was cute though he fell asleep with his hand on my belly still.
  • Tha is cute but I totally know how u feel I had a tooth pulled they gave me medican and she went crazy like she was high never again she was pushing her hands n feet out of my tummy then my honey sang too her started ribbon my belly n miss Maliyah saddled down it was so cute
  • Ya my bf is hilarious. In the morning he says good morning to her when he gets home. She knows the sound of his voice and his car lol. And at night I found that if he doesn't say goodnight before leaving work she gets crabby lol. Kicks the crap outta me but when the ringtone for him goes off she stops and goes to sleep. Idk if she knows or its justa coincidence but I love it.
  • Its funny how kids know she knows its her daddy tha is so adorable
  • If mine goes longer then a day without hearin her daddy talk too her she gets pissed n when he gets home n she knows when he gets home in the morning she kicks the he'll out of him its funny
  • Lol ya its great the other day she started goin nuts when he woke up and came downstairs and started talking. He completly forgot to say hi to her and he was sitting on the other couch and I told him to look at my belly and he could see ayva kicking and going crazy lol I told him that he forgot about her so he sat by me and started talking to her and she calmed down it ws te funniest thing ever
  • Tha is so funny teaches him too talk too. Her but at lease she knows her daddy's voice I think its funny how they act when there dads walk in n start talkin
  • Lol ya he usually has his routine wake up kiss me talk to ayva and he skipped that park. She def knows his voice and the sound of his car cuz its all beefed up. Lol. I can't wait to get bigger and see her really go wild lol
  • Lol and the little ayva has just woken up. Too bad daddy doesn't wake up for another 2 hrs lol
  • Yea I can't wait too get bigger either too see how Maliyah acts when I get big. Tha sucks tha he don't wake up for a while where u from
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