I have taken two test. 1st was negative waited 3 days took another with a faint line! Period is due in three days... does a faint line still mean pregnant. If I am edd is in January.
I had a faint line too and I am very much pregnant lol......Congratulations if you are...... if you make an appt with your doc they will tell you really quick.......
Took a test Mon and it was negative and that was the day I was suppose to get my period. Today I took a test and it was positive So be patient and good luck!
Well my period was due today and I started cramping yesterday and now today my breast are super sensitive. So now its just the waiting game either for my period or to take another test Idk when tho... I hate waiting
I got two faint lines with two different test and went out and bought new test that say pregnant or not pregnant. And today it said pregnant within a minute. I will faint if I am pregnant with twins!
My faint line wound up being twins!