Hate vegetables...what should i do?

Im 16 weeks pregnant and i haven't eaten a single vegetable my whole pregnancy. I do take my prenatals every day but i know that's not enough. I don't want my baby too be underweight or have any deficiencies. What can I do?


  • Can you sneak a few into a fruit smoothie?
  • I think they make fruit juice with vegetables hidden in it. You might also try cooking meals with vegetables hidden that you can't taste. There are a lot of recipes for kids out there who wont eat vegetables where they don't know they're in there.

    My problem is that I can't stand milk. Any suggestions for that one?
  • Try the V8 splash. It has veggies in it but tastes more like fruit. My kids love it.
  • Oh my gosh...you hate all vegetables?? Wow! V8 fusion has 1 serving vegetable per glass, and tastes like fruit juice...but you'd have to drink a lot of juice to get your vegetable servings in and that much juice would be no good :(
    Ask your doctor or a nutrionist!
  • V8 splash is yummy!
  • Yeah you can only count juice as one serving a day no matter how much you drink! I was gonna suggest the kids recipes too, they show you how to hide stuff in meals so you are getting the goodness but not tasting it!!
  • Thanks everybody,
    @Blueberrysmom Im gonna have to try the smoothie thing.
    @Vtmamajuju and @hurstk28 Im gonna stock up on the V8 splash.
    @Baileygoose No I've never like any vegetables and my mom never made me eat them :/ But i plan on talking to my doc about it when i go back.
    @vtmamajuju If you like cheese, those little string cheese things are pretty good and you can eat yogurt and have you tried soy milk? I also heard of a supplement called Spirulina. I would talk to my doc first though to see if it's safe
  • @littlenat86 i'm going to try but just knowing that they're in there might turn me off...its def worth a try though
  • I'm the same way!! I hate vegetables too, and my mom never forced them on me either. The only ones I can stand are peas and broccoli. And corn but that doesn't really count lol
  • @starrxoxo9 Has your doc said anything about it? I wish I could eat at least one green veggie! :0&
  • Well not directly about veggies, but I failed my glucose test (you'll take it at about 24 weeks) and didn't fully pass the 3 hr test so I know next time I go in they're gonna get on me about my diet. I just love carbs :( lol
  • v8 splash is good but v8 fusion is the healthier choice
  • Try using a lot of spices and chopping them up very finely into foods. My mom chops things up very small and puts them in spaghetti, meatloaf, noodles with hamburger (think totally fresh hamburger helper), crockpotted stews, etc. They are so small you don't even know they are there. But we love veggies and still have them on the side, she does that mainly for taste. I sometimes feel like I'm cheating and not getting enough veggies :/
  • @Dulce_mama23 They have recipe books for kids that shows how to add veggies in food like putting finely chopped carrotts in meatballs. Its pretty neat you should try it!
  • I can't stomach cooked veggies but love them raw :)
  • Thanks @babymommaof2 I'm def gonna try that along with the V8 splash or V8 fusion and hopefully that will be enough.
    @ghettobetty I think i would be the complete opposite! lol. Maybe a lil flavor will help me out.
  • Try dips! Caramel ranch cheese peanut butter.
  • V8 or juicy juice harvest.
  • My kids don't like broccoli by itself but they will eat it if its mixed with maccaroni and cheese.
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  • Ummmm. Try chocolate covered yellow squash. Mmmmmmmmmmmmm. Yum.
  • I love veggis and I drink v8 like a champ! Lol, eat manwhichs, they have a full serving of veggis, my husband said ensures have all the same vitamins that veggis have. When he broke his jaw that was all he could drink and eat and he actually gained weight! Maybe try those? I am pretty sure they are safe for pregnancy but, I would always check with your dr :)
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