How accurate are ultrasounds when they narrow down your date of conception

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
My drs are telling me I concieved between oct 6 and long does it take for sperm to penetrate your egg? And why do they tell u the date of conception can go 5 days either way !...I had sex on the 27th of sept and oct 13! So it doesn't make sense 2 me!


  • It can take almost a week for the sperm to find the egg, and then it kinda floats around for a while before it attaches itself to the uterine wall. They say it goes 5 days either way because not all babies are the same size, and they don't develop at exactly the same rate either. The date of conception is not the day you had sex, its the day the embryo implanted, i don't know why they call it that.
  • Well how quickly can they implant I wonder? so if there saying between the 6 and the 10th then could it of been around the 13th?or was it more likely the 27?
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  • I'm confused with you... my date of conception is suppose to be june 12th " so that's the day the sperm and egg meet right"? Well how many days before that do u count as the sperm comes out the man and swims around in ur body until conception?
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