I go for our ultrasound today! I am so scared something is going to be wrong, I don't even want to go!! Just hoping all is well in there! I guess we shall see!
@PrettyMommy86 @5lilangels @Newmommy17 @marriedwith-4 thanks! I went and things looked well. I even sae the 4 chambers of the heart. It was amazing. I think having 2 losses between my 3 older children and this one has made me gun shy. But the u/s tech told me that "unofficially" everything looks fine. So I am going to believe that! Thanks though for helping me look at it as exciting, and not scary! I love pregky for all the support I get, even when I'm being manic
thanks! I went and things looked well. I even sae the 4 chambers of the heart. It was amazing. I think having 2 losses between my 3 older children and this one has made me gun shy. But the u/s tech told me that "unofficially" everything looks fine. So I am going to believe that! Thanks though for helping me look at it as exciting, and not scary! I love pregky for all the support I get, even when I'm being manic
there that's better.
Thanks for the support friends