Lets help eachother pick a name, whats your favourite girl/boy name

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
hey all, just thought we could help eachother out when it comes to picking names.. two helps is better than one as they say lol.... so what are your favourite names?

mine is Katie-mai for a girl (which i have named my daugher and i like joshua for a boy pretty traditional...

Lets here yours.......

Lilypie Maternity tickers


  • With my first pregnancy my favorite girl name was Kaylee, that's our daughters name, and boy name was Brycen.
    Now with this pregnancy our favorite girl name is Amaiya (Ah-my-ya) which will be our daughters name whenever she decides to come out, and boy name would've been Camden :)
  • Isabella Grace for a girl. Parker Elijah for a boy(what we named our son).
  • Brooklyn or Khloe for a girl and Camron or Ashton for a boy
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