Evening primrose oil.....?

Im 36 wks + 3days with my second child, my first was 10 days over due before they finally decided to induce me, my doc says if I was late with my first then ill most likely be late with this one :/ I really dont want to be late and im scarred I may need a c section if I am late? So I bought some evening primrose oil to try and help my cervix soften, I haven't taken/used any yet....im wondering how to use them? And if they truly soften the cervix?


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  • edited May 2011
    I too am using it hun, I was 8 days past DD with my first with a 21 hour labor so I wanted to try and get my cervix ready this time around in a safe way. Im now 9 days from DD and I inserted 3 tablets every night before bed since 37 weeks and at 38 weeks I upgraded to 4 tablets a night. Im now 38 weeks 5 days, my last appointment it seemed to have helped start to soften my cervix just like its supposed to :) try to get the capsules as close to the cervix as possible and wear a pad to bed, fyi the capsules STINK horribly!! I take a shower every morning after I get up though so I've never noticed them make me smell like them. I've also started losing my mucus plug starting this week, so for me, its been working so far like its supposed to. @HomeBirthAdvocate would have some more information on it though :) hope it helps both of us hun!
    They aren't supposed to start your labor just make your cervix ready for lair to make you have an easier labor. :)
  • I use them...my midwife told me two tablets inserted vaginal every night before bed...I have been doing it for three weeks but today is my due date & no baby yet
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  • I have a primrose bottle with a dropper that I got from one of the health stores during my last pregnancy. The dropper is pretty long so I would put it in and my Ex husband would take it and wash the dropper and close the bottle.

  • @mommyoftwoprincesses @mom2bia0528 @homebirthadvocate thanks, im going to start them tomorrow night :) but I read somewhere to also swallow some orally in addition to inserting them vagionally? Have any of you heard of that too?

    oh and @mom2bia0528 hopefully you go into labor soon, good luck!

    @mommyoftwoprincesses good luck too you as well hope ur lil one comes soon! In any case hopefully ur labor will go smoother :)

    @homebirthadvocate should I get my membranes stripped? My doc said she would at 39 wks but I herd it is very painful and may or may not work, do you have any advice and/or opionions? Thanks
  • It doesn't do anything. I used it and nothing. The baby will come when time. I got induced and my baby still didn't want to come but did lol. So the best thing to do is lots of walking but Listen to your body
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