anyone pregnant with twins

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
Hi i just would like to know if anyone is expecting twins ,when and how they feel..


  • I am and I feel crappy lol preassure of the kids is unbelievable and I am 31 weeks they are taking them April 1
  • Hey Sam...I just wanted to let you know that I am a first time mom expecting boy and girl twins! My original due date was April 29th but my doc says I'll most likely have them early but just not sure how early. I have been very thankful that I have not had any preggo problems throughout my pregnancy! How far along are you and do you know what genders the twins are? Congrats I hope everything is going well for you and your babies so far!
  • I'm having twins. I feel really stressed about being a first time mom
  • Hi me I am 17 weeks pregnant with twins and they are my 4th and 5th babies lol. I have 3 girls and i do not know the gender yet. My prego is quute difficult severe morning sickness and lot of pain but hope everything gone be alright.they are due in june
  • Oups july sorry
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