Is it just me....???

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
I was wondering if you ladies had an opinion on this seems like every time someone hears the word 'baby' or 'pregnant' these days, they want to completely freak out by reacting in one of a few ways:

1. They want to buy your baby stuff/spoil the mommy;
2. They treat you like you could break at any second, even just by looking at you;
3. They start lecturing you/asking you if you're keeping it; or
4. They get overly excited and start talking baby shower (refer back to #1).
Can someone please tell me why everyone over-reacts like that?? Lol, this should be fun..... :P


  • I think People just get overly excited and want to have a little bit of that feeling they had when they were pregnant. Being pregnant used to be such a big deal because our technology wasn't advanced and they knew a lot less about pregnancy complications. So, your fragile to older people. You gotta admit its fun talking to strangers about pregnancy : )
  • Im like 90 lbs, just about two months. I always get "be careful with her" or "she needs to eat, she's eating for two". Drives me nuts!
  • Lol, i know.....everyone acts like im a princess or something, and they try to make me happy at all costs....its like they think all of my bones are broken and i cant do anything for myself....i hate it cuz i want them to treat me like they always do.....being prego isnt a medical condition, it's a state of being, even though we have to depend on medical technology to make sure everything is ok for mommy and baby.....
  • the only way im going to let myself be treated like that is when im really close to popping my son out, because at that point i will need a little help doing things....until then, i am completely self sufficient, thank you!!!! Lol
  • If one more person tries to rub my belly.....I may punch them! Lol!
  • Lmao...everyone wants to touch and poke and rub.....just leave my son alone, won't you??? Lol....he's kinda shy and he might be scared with all of those strange people's hands on the belly....mommy is the only one he's used to regularly touching the belly and feeling him move....mommy gets special priveleges..... :)
  • Exactly! Lol! I'm soooo glad I'm not alone :-)
  • Its nice to have someone dote on you, but when they act like you're an invalid it makes me nuts! Its like they have to feel important so they throw themselves in the mix to be involved. I love when my husband rubs my belly, but if anyone other than him or my kids do it, I get mad. Last time it was my mom, I reached over&patted hers back. Ha! That'll fix them!
  • Omg!!!! I rubbed this old man's beer belly yesterday after he tried to cop a feel on my belly!
  • Lmao....that's hilarious \:D/
  • The hormones made me do it! Lol! ;-)
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