anyone taken Ambien during pregnancy???

Okay so I have been prescribed ambien for about 4 years now for insomnia. Of course getting pregnant I stopped taking it. I'm now 32 weeks and not sleeping at all anymore and I'm miserable. My shrink said 10mg is fine during pregnancy but my doctor said its a class C so to use at my discretion. I was thinking of cutting them in half to take 5 mg... but I feel so guilty. Has anyone else taken ambien while pregnant?


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  • I take unisom often but its not working anymore.. :\ I wonder if I should just rough it out and not sleep.
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  • Have you tried benadryl?
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  • I was prescribed ambien at the end of my last pregnancy after a failed induction. My doc basically gave me a prescription for like 7 of them to get me thru the week before we tried to induce again. I was 39+6 wks
  • I did with my daughter dr gave it to me at the end because I couldn't aleep at all. That was 10 yrs ago
  • How about Tyenol PM? My prego friend is taking that as a night aid.
  • Thanks for some of the suggestions... I have tried benadryl and tylenol pm.they both stopped working too. I took a unisom tonight just putting off taking ambien because I'm scared but I wanna sleep SO bad!
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  • Melatonen found at walmart is wat my doc recommended. Its cheap n wrks rt away n its all natural!
  • I am on Ambien, I have been for almost 2 years now. I am on 10mg, but in an effort to make it last longer & so I don't feel badly for taking it, I break them in half & sometimes even thirds. My doctor said they are fine to take, they don't cause any issues as long as you don't take more than the maximum dose. I can't take Melatonin, it is bad for people who are on blood thinners (like myself) & Benadryl doesn't cut it. Just an F.Y.I Benadryl, Tylenol PM & Unisom are all the same drug, so if one doesn't work the others aren't going to either. Be very careful with the 'natural' sleep aids, even though they are deemed natural doesn't mean they are always safe. If your doctor prescribed Ambien for you, the pros outweigh the cons. I would suggest breaking them smaller to see if a smaller dose works, also make sure you take them on an empty stomach so they absorb faster & are more effective. I hope you get some rest!
  • edited May 2011
    If it helps you feel any better most drugs are class c drugs, its not considered dangerous or linked to any fetal harm, also not considered 100% safe but if the benefits out weigh the risks then its better to take it then not to. Take it youll be fine! Im pretty sure unisom is class c too? Just my guess though... But def dont just not sleep as that it self can be very dangerous, your body needs sleep to function properly, and its better ur in ur 3rd trimester rather then your first....the reason so many drugs are class c is because thete are no studies and lab trials done on pregnant women and I dont think there ever will be, because after all a unborn baby is nothing to "test" with...goodluck I hope you get some sleep!
  • @ashelyfew I have to say I disagree with you....i take benadryl when I can't sleep (because its what every over the counter sleeping aid is made up of, but cheaper)...and I have to tell you I get plenty of REM sleep and I know that for a fact because I dream...i remember the dreams when I wake up....REM is when dreams occur....benadryl is good in my book!
  • Hell I need an ambien right now I haven't slept at all. I take tylenol pm and it has no effect on the baby and helps me fall asleep within thirty minutes
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  • Thank you all for so much advice! After another sleepless night.. I am DEF. going to take ambien tonight and get some much needed rest! I can't handle all this stress from not sleeping. :/
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