sex drive

edited January 2011 in Pregnant
I'm in my first trimester and I have no desire for sex will this change for my second trimester? I don't want my bf to cheat because he's not being satisfied


  • The sex drives different for everyone. But you shouldn't need to be worried about him cheating on you...
  • It all depends. I've lost mine through this whole pregnancy.
  • I hope I get none back
  • Im going into 2nd trimester and none for me either..
  • I'm in my third and I could care less but I got mine back after my first, when I healed (had an emergency c-section and the had a severe hematoma (spelling) and had to wear a wound back for 3 weeks, not fun) you'll get it back, I wouldn't worry about your boyfriend cheating I don't think he would either.
  • Im 6 weeks n dnt even want my boyfriend near me he's such an amazing guy n does everythin for me which makes me feel worse
  • 5 weeks in my second pregnantcy and mines in full gear! I never lost it with my first either. Good luck to you! I'm sure everything will work out perfect for you, and if he's a proud daddy, then you'll have nothing to worry about :) xo
  • I still have sex drive and its actually has gotten more intense, my bf runs from me lol
  • It definitely feels better!!! More intense, and sooner to "get there", actually my first sign I knew I was prego was by him making a comment about "the changes" he was feeling..... I knew, for sure, to take a test after that! I can't wait for 2 nd trimester cuz maybe the nausea will subside and I can enjoy these pleasant changes!!!
  • My desire is gone two. With my other pregnancys I remember being a sex fiend lol not now
  • Mine is even worse then before I wake him up almost every morning at 6 to have some alone time before he heads to work lol poor guy tired even before starting work lol ...don't think negative only positive he's very faithful
  • I am 6 weeks and I don't have a sex drive either. I am usually all for. Now I just want to be left alone. I'm hoping it comes back for my second trimester.
  • I'm with you superbun ....I know I guess I'm just stressing stupid things
  • I do have an increased sex drive, but the messed up part is that I cant find a position that would comfortable enough to try. My boobs can't handle the bouncing, my tummy can't take any pressure, and I'm nauseous all of the time. I don't want to hurl during sex or give up because I'm uncomfortable. It's like torture.
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