no morning sickness am i in the clear?

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
I am 6 almost 7 wks n no puke just some weird burps am I safe from morning sickness?


  • I didn't start until 11wks but hopefully ur one of the lucky ones. I didn't have any with my daughter.
  • I hope so all I get are burps that bring my food up my throat but no vomit
  • My "morning" sickness started at 7w0d.
  • I'm 7 weeks 5 days and I haven't been nauseous at all: ) hope it stays that way!
  • Everyone is different. With both of my pregnancies, I had nausea/puking EVERYDAY- ALL through my second AND third trimester! You're really only supposed to have it through your first trimester but I'm bass akwards... LOL.
  • I am 13w6d pregnant and I have never experienced ANY morning sickness whatsoever :) maybe we are some of the few lucky ones. Thank God :)
  • Lol I am praying that I stay puke free! But maybe it will catch up to me at 7 wks
  • Wow, please dont say that.. I am 6 weeks 6 days today and have been so happy i havent been sick... sore boobs, frequent urination
  • I just pee a lot and feel bloated with a low back ache
  • I hope you're in the clear girl! Sadly for me I had morning sickness week 7 to week 10 and it just came back for me at the end of week 13. I have to eat something before I get out of bed or else I know what is to come!
  • I hope you are clear. I'm 9 weeks and 5 days. I've only had 3 days of morning sickness. The other morning I vomited water and that's the only time I puked.
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