when do i tell my 8 yr old?

edited January 2011 in Pregnant
My daughter is turning 8 and she is going to be so excited to become a big sis! Can't wait to tell her. Right now I am 5 weeks. By her bday I will be about 7. I would love to share the great news then, but I am worried that would be too soon to be safe. Any suggestions for me?


  • We told our son that we were preggo almost immediately only bc we r horrible at keeping exciting secrets and we knew how happy he wud be. He was 6 first time and 7 this current time. We told him on xmas and he said it was the best gift. Now I wud b more hesitant if there is any history of problems
  • @katelilly- I agree with billye, tell immediately, I think 8 is not a bad age for her to start learning about all these wiley ways of nature, she is just as much apart of the whole situation, so even if "the unspeakable" happens she will need to understand why mommy is sad. And you will need her support just as much as you will need your husband, or your mommy for that matter! Kids are so much more in tune than we think, or may forget sometimes. Parents just dont want to make the mistake of raising the kids too fast, but they will respect you more by including them! Good luck!!
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