very sore... is it normal

edited January 2011 in Pregnant
I'm 5 weeks with my first so I'm worried the way it is but lately I've been so sore. Not like severe pain just sore from my boobs down. Is it normal? I have no bleeding and no cramping just super bad all say sickness. Sorry if I sound stupid I'm just scared.


  • Ur sore from ur boobs? Yes tats normal
  • No its my stomach lower abs and upper thighs. Just kinda achey
  • I was way sore my whole first trimester. My upper rib cage and pelvis wer way sore. Its just you body making room for ur baby. If u want stretching might help but I know I was to sore to even do that, it goes away tho ;-)
  • 'Flu like' symptoms are normal from all the things I've read. I've been experiencing the same things, headaches, pinching in my abdomen, and aches under my arms and lower back, not to mention the sore boobs and a gaging feeling!
  • I woke up at 4 becus I felt some pressure on my chest and when I woke up a lil more I noticed it was jus my boobs dat were very soore....I also feel very cold now and winter weather has never bothered me noe all I wanna do is cover up from head to toe is this normal? Or I'm juss crazy? Lol
  • Thanks so much. I love having people to talk to. I'm just so scared
  • Yea its normal to my understanding. I have the worst breast pain. Before pregnancy my boobs were 40d. They feel like I'm walking around with wet sand bags Ughh I can cry from the pain especially at night when I try sleeping.. My body has been sore but I sleep every chance I get... it helps me get energy back up. Soothing baths can relax all you're tensed muscles also
  • My thighs arms and body used to be very tender and sore, I'm 14 weeks now and feeling a lot better, and didnt have no sickness so its normal :) don't feel stupid , its normal to worry, I worry at every ache lol x
  • Me too lol I'm excited now.
  • It is super scary, I miscarried 3 years ago, now I'm 18 weeks and everything is stretching to make room for the baby and that hurts and freaks me out, but as long as there is no cramping it should be fine, let your dr know so he can reassure you though
  • I have a lot of soreness in my belly and it feels like I have done sit ups (Lord knows I can't do a sit up) and I even have had some cramping achy feeling in my lower stomache and a lil bit of discharge....I have ask the dr about all this and they said its all long as u don't have major cramps and a lot of red blood that it was normal....ur body is stretching and making room for baby :)
  • Tell me about it , everytime I feel the slightest bit of pain I'm shouting "mum!? Is this normal " lol but every thing is fine, I find out the babys gender on the 11th march .. too exciting xD
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