@Mamma5dueNjune17 So what your saying is your ready to give birth to your baby but you feel like your not ready, or nervous bcuz its a big change ..I think its normal to feel this way
LoL iM sORrY lAdIeS i GuEsS i Am Ah LiL NeRvOuS bUt Im DiLaTieD tO 1cM aLrEaDy iM tRyNa GEt ReAdY fOr HiM.. i KaN fEeL HiM cUmIn Im HaPpY bUt StILl NoT rEaDy UGh I hAtE dIz FEeLiN..
Don't worry, just being at 1cm it could still be a while! Try and get things sorted, your bag packed etc but get lots of rest too! Its normal to feel nervous with your first! Also try and type normally, with all the different letters people find it hard to read and you will get more help by typing normally! Good luck and keep us updated!
I aLrEaDy HaVe 4bByZ sO wHy ShOuLd i FeEl NeRvOuS DaTz Da PaRt I dNt GeT i GoT aLl Da BbYz ThInGz ReAdY fOr HiM nD mE aLrEaDy Nd I DnT sTaY iN lAbOr MoRe DeN 6hRs WiN iM OpEn At 1cM i HaVe DeM faSt.. BuT i'Ll KeEp Ya'Ll PoStEd
@mamaof5duejune17 well its perfectly normal to be nervous... i think that writing in the caps on and off like you are is confusing some of the ladies on here... i hope everything goes well and you get to meet your baby boy soon...
I hope things are going well, our last message was lots easier to read!!! I imagine having four children all ready to look after with a fifth on the way would make anyone nervous! I have one already and I'm worried about how he will be with baby, don't want him left out etc! I'm 18 weeks and already worried about leaving him to have the baby in the hospital!
Also try and type normally, with all the different letters people find it hard to read and you will get more help by typing normally! Good luck and keep us updated!