Kicks/Movement - Should it be consistent after you first feel it?

edited May 2011 in October 2011
I just started feeling movements 1 week ago and a little big stronger pokes (not sure if it's a full out kick?) all throughout the week. I haven't felt it since Friday night. Is it normal in the beginning to not feel it consistently? I'm 18 weeks + 1 day today.


  • Yes cause the baby has lots of room so it depends on the position. If you worry call the Dr and try different positions. I always laid on my right side and she'd move. Lol she favors the right. She always lays her head to the right now funny huh
  • Yes, very normal. It will take a few more weeks before you feel movement all the time, and even then, depending on your body and the way the baby is positioned, you may feel more or less than other people.
  • Ooooh yeah, it'll get more frequent and, when you're trying to sleep, through out the day your soothing body functions, movements, and conversations of day to day activities keep the baby relatively sill and napping, once mama stops, baby gets to wrigglin, mama's too quiet and boring. Lol.
  • Ashton started kicking like non stop May 22nd n on he kicked harder and more... today don't feel him yet as much gettin all worried lol prob he's just sleeping n ill feel him later on... ok now I feel him a lil bit lol
  • Yes its normal....i didn't start feeling Gabriel consistently around the same time everyday until 20w
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