Dr Appointments?

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
When do you start going every 2 weeks?


  • After my appointment Friday I start going every 2 weeks. & I'm 28 weeks.
  • Ok thanks. I just read on my weekly updat that soon I may be doing every 2 weeks. Well I have some catching up to do. Haven't been since I was 18/19wks. Due to moving wayyy far and this system here is way different.
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  • Thanks ladies :)
  • Remind me why we start bi-weekly visits at 28. Do they do anything different at the exams or just watch urine, blood pressure and growth more closely? And then again once the weekly visits start?
  • @HomeBirthAdvocate I wonder the same, didn't think to ask. Lol
  • They check the baby's heartbeat, your BP, weight, and measure your fundal height at every visit. The good news is that you're in and outta there pretty quick, and if you have questions that aren't urgent, you don't have to wait very long to ask your doc. The bad news is you have to miss work/school/sleep/free time to haul your pregnant butt up there. It's all part of the game.
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  • Oh, and the pee-in-a-cup routine. How could I forget the most fun part lol
  • Oh that should be a piece of cake, haha
  • That's kind of what I thought. Thanks @homebirthadvocate. It's been 9 years from my last pregnancy so I don't remember all the routines.
    Also when do they start checking for dialation? I don't feel it's really necessary until 38-39 weeks since you could be at a 3 for weeks with no change or checked at a 1 and go in labor fairly soon.
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