scared of m/c

edited February 2011 in First Trimester
Ok so this is my first and I'm only about 5 weeks. But honestly i am terrified of having a m/c. I've never had one but I feel like I'm going to go crazy thinking about it. I thought the anxiety of ttc would disapate once I got pregnant, but now its like it just turned into m/c anxiety... is it hormones?? Am I just being paranoid?? Anyone one else doing the same?


  • Hey there,
    Same thing here. We tried for 3 years and I'm finally 8 weeks. I guess I feel its to good to be true. Every little cramp I get worried, everytime I go to the bathroom I check for blood or something weird. Your right, complete anxiety!! I had my first ultrasound last week and the doctor said everything looked good and was progressing as it should which was a relief that day anyway:) i also stress because I haven't been that sick. Some days I feel ok and then some I don't and I only am sick at night. Guess I feel that its not normal but I'm sure it is... we need to find a way to keep our minds on other things and only think positive! Easy to say, hard to do is what I tell my husband! A least on there you know your not the only one!
  • Omg I know! Exact exact exact same thing lol! Every cramp I think something is terribly wrong. I haven't been to the dr yet, I moved recently and am still looking for a Dr that'll take my insurance and won't give me the heeby jeebies! Lol so I still haven't heard from a Dr that everything is going good. The cramps are never too bad, but uncomfortable sometimes and they only last a matter of minutes then it'll be done for hours or the rest of the day... I have really bad all day sickness. Like I wake up and throw up because I'm so hungry then I eat and three bites in I'm running back to the bathroom because apparently what I decided to eat doesn't agree with me suddenly.... this is way harder already then I thought it would be ...
  • I am 6w3d with my first, and am the same way!"
  • I'm 5w2d and same here! Everything I go to the bathroom I worry if there will be blood. Then I worry that me stressing about it will make me m/c! Maybe I watch too many pregnancy shows on discovery health!
  • I'm 10 weeks and this is my third. It never gets easier. You are always going to freak yourself out about m/c. The thing is, you can't control it. If its going to happen there is nothing you could do to stop it and nothing you did to cause it. Just think positive:)
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  • I feel exactly the same-glad I'm not the only one. Am now 16w 5d, and constantly worry. Am always checking for blood, and worry about little cramps. Try to thinly positive, but keep getting nightmares about it too. Wish thete was something I could do to take my mind off it?! Xxx
  • Its insanely counterproductive to worry about things you have no control over. Stop stressing yourself out and you will be better off, trust me.
  • Same here. Im so worried about that too cuz my mom had so many mc and also my older sister. This is my first that's y im worried cuz I don't know what's goin to happen. Good luck to u ladies. :)
  • You are not alone! I am 8 wks tomorrow... it is quite stressful and while you can't just get over it you can help yourself by staying positive! Think of how wonderful being a parent will be and how quickly you are falling in love with your lil embryo!! Stay as stress-free as you can for you AND your little one. Good luck!!!
  • Oh ny goodness all of you took the words out of my mouth. Every little thing scares me. I'm terrified that ill miscarry. I'm almost 7 weeks. I have very sore breasts and some days no sickness and others I can't keep anything down. I drink tons of water but my thirst is insatiable. People say to relax and stop worrying but its easier said than done. I just can't wait to be out of the 'danger zone'. On the days I have no sickness I worry more cause I think, oh no, are my symptoms disappearing? Anyone have advice on how to chill out. My husband thinks being online makes it worse, and he's probably right. But only when I Google miscarriage and things like that. these forums, on the other hand are great, he doesn't understand how I feel. I'm glad I have other women to talk to that are going through the same thing.
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