
edited May 2011 in Pregnant
I had such a bad dream I woke up in tears.. I had dream I had a still born the dream felt so real I seen babies features and it was a boy it was the most scariest dream... I am almost 18 weeks and my mom said dreams like dat are normal when pregnant cause u worry bout so much and this is my first pregnancy.......


  • yeah, I know its scary but know that is just a dream. U r gonna have some crazy dreams where u wake up laughing n others where ur like Omg. Don't get me started on the sex dreams. Lol
  • Lol omg I noe my dreams have been off the wall... and the craziest sex dreams I wake up like wth....
  • @Mommy_Cakes44 Pregnancy nightmares are the worst! I had a dream yesterday that I was having another miscarriage, it's awful waking up scared out of your mind. Sometimes mine are bazaar and the other night when Hitler was hunting me and trying to kill me. I woke up thinking wth just happened?! Why can't I just have crazy sex dreams? lol
  • I have nightmares every night even before being pregnant. Now they are waaay worse and I get sleep paralysis too sometimes its super scary! I always dream im being chased/ hunted or zombies are trying to kill me ( thanks call of duty) lol. I have had a couple dreams that I've died lately too... no bueno! : / I just put a dream catcher up last night and I don't remember any nightmares :) fingers crossed....
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