soooooo.... stretchmarks. when did you ladies start getting them?

edited May 2011 in Second Trimester
bc i thought id have some by now and my belly itches like crazy. i started gettting them everywhere else, UNDER my boobs, my thighs, my butt, even my friggin hips. but none on the belly and my bellybutton is starting to disappear. when did you start gettting your on ur tummies if u have any anddo u have them anywhere else?


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  • yea when i started getting them under my boobs, (like theres not enough around the nipples to begin with anyways from puberty,) i was like wtf man!? they already hurt like hell. now they itch and it hurts to scratch them :(

    im 19 weeks 1 day today, and my belly itches like crazy. i was wondering if i shouldve gotten them by now or not. my belly is so red form me itching and i keep putting on calamine lotion and its not helping :(
  • Eek I dont have any yet hopefully wont get thm. Each week I search fr thm lol
  • I thought I was a lucky one at 8 months thought maybe I wouldnt get them thwy came that same month :(
  • im 33weeks and 3 days i have a few under my boobs and one just above my belly button wich looks like a cresent moon so i quite like it :-D mind you i think strech marks might have something to do with genetics because my sister has a little boy and hasnt got any, and my mum has 4 children and doesnt have one single strech mark... so hopefully i wont get anymore. x
  • @lovemyangelbabys

    yikes! i would be so pissed!


    awww thats cute under ur belly button :) and yea, most of the women didnt get them but my mom had a few on her lower stomach and my cousin had lupus and when she went thru her treatment on steriods she gained almost a hundred lbs and lost it under 6 months she has them from that so i hope i dont get anymore.... but i have a feeling i will...
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  • I got my first one on my belly at 38 weeks (I am currently 38 weeks). I looked in the mirror Saturday and was just like, "Are ya kiddin me? I've made it this effing far and now???" Oh, well. It's the beauty mark of motherhood, and lots of women would kill to have babies and can't. I have to be grateful, right?
  • I think that's how its going to b with me. My mom hasn't got any and my brother was a big baby. So I'm thinking either I won't get any or I'll get them in the last week grr
  • edited May 2011
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  • Ya my mom has none. I used vitamin e cream and my skin looks awesome 25 weeks and not a single mark any my skin is stil stretchy feeling.
  • @angeliaandme

    ohhh yea youre lucky :)


    lmfao! its better to look at it with humor, thats for sure, and yes, we are lucky we can have kids at all. ^.^ i am grateful for that, so i dont whine much.

    lol @jazzi89 yeaaaa me too.


    thanks for the good wishes! im just hoping they dont pop up near the end like, 'hey! were you expecting us or something? surprise!'

  • Slathering up with Bio Oil or cocoa butter really does help with the itching, though! Too bad the rest is up to genes. Damn you, science!
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  • With my 1st not until the last month they came out..:( unfortunately they are still there. And this one i just noticed i have some on my lower belly ..well it looks like it idk..but im 23wks
  • im 22 weeks n I see like two red streaks under the belly. my hubby had to tell me bc I couldnt see it :( n ive been using bio oil for two months now
  • I thought I was in the clear. I went 8.5 Months with out getting them and they showed on the lower part of my belly at 36 weeks. They are very light. So I'm sure they will go away just comes from the rapi growth of my belly in the last month. It is the only place I've gotten them and I use raw shea butter since 2 month just so I won't get them. I guess for some it is inevitable.
  • I don't have any on my belly :D I have them everywhere else though lol.. boobs, butt, thighs, and love handles! Lol.. I don't think I'll get any on my belly since I didn't with my first.. this time I only added like 2 stretch marks on each lovehandle so far everything else is the same.. sadly nothing you do will prevent stretch marks its just something that comes along with having a baby! I have scars on my belly from losing a baby so if stretch marks mean having a healthy baby I'm all for it!
  • Yes I was pissed and for my 2nd pregnancg my friend who has none said bio oil worked for her wish I used that then
  • got the belly ones around 38 wks and i tho i wa in the clear ugh
  • I never had em with my son, but got my first one at like 28 wks this time. Now at 37 wks my lower abdomen is completely covered and a few on my.boobs. Thankfully that's the only place. But I'm all boobs n belly this pregnancy so I dunno how much more I can be stretched
  • DONT SCRATCH!! rub your belly instead
  • I look everyday to make sure I haven't gotten any lol.. but if it happens it happens.. I'm going on 6 months already n I'm clear so far.. my cousins dnt have any so hopefully I get blessed that way too lol... I use that Palmer coco butter lotion.. ugh hate the smell though
  • i noticed mine from 26 weeks on (i'm currently 31 weeks now) and even tho i put cocoa butter they seem to get darker and darker :-|
  • I am 23 weeks and I have been using cocoa butter moisturiser on my belly since 12 weeks I have no stretch mark as of yet but I forgot to moisturise my boobs and got stretch marks on them 3 days ago, they just appeared.
  • I was 28weeks, all at the bottom of my tummy my hips and b
  • OOops and boobs!
  • I'm 2 days shy of 37 weeks an I have none :) I hope I dont get any. Jus 3 more weeks to go.
  • I didn't get them until after my Due date which sucks..I feel like if she would have just came on seriously I was 9 months and some and didn't have ANY until...After her due day came and went...I don't have many though...They (whoever THEY is) say to drink lots of water...Water makes the skin elastic and stretches easier...I drank lots of water with my 2nd pregnancy and didn't get any new ones...I'm trying to drink lots of water w/ this one but it's getting kind of hard with ALL DAY SICKNESS....GOOD LUCK LADIES
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