weight gain anyone?

edited May 2011 in Second Trimester
I am 23 weeks pregnant and I have not gained any weight at all since the docs weighed me at 10 weeks! Is this normal? I have a big bump tho. I am bit worried that I am not eating enough to supply my baby with what she needs. (but I never stop eating) all comments welcome. Thank you


  • Im 23 wks too...ive gain 5 lbs...like in just this month i was eating the same as the last ..but it came out of nowhere what does doc say about it?
  • I'm 25 weeks & 4 days and I've been the same weight since February. My mom told me that the baby is starting to take up those pounds because I was freaking out about how well I was eating.
  • Well I'm 21wks n I just started putting on weight. I wasn't eattin n had not appetite. I went out n bout some ensure to make sure they were gettin all the correct nutrition that they need.
    I sill drink it every day cuz my appetite comes n goes. But as long as the doc haven't said anything u r fine and the weight usually picks up in the last couple of weeks
  • I'm first time mum aswell, @Beatrice1436 I dont have another midwife app till 14th June now and I only noticed the other day that I wasnt gaining any. @Island_Mommie2B I been showing since week 13 lol and now I feel I get bigger every morning when I try n roll out of bed lol : )
  • see i'm the other way around I wanna be massive. me n the husband have been trying for 3 years lol x
  • edited May 2011
    Oooh ic ...i cant remember w/ my first except i gain 60 lbs!! But i didnt show till i was 6 months ...maybe by the 14th you'll put some lbs on...but everyone is different ...your eating so im sure the baby is fine:)
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