
edited May 2011 in Pregnant
I'm a student and I've been working at my university for three years. Once I found out I was pregnant, the last thing I was concerned about was my job because I'm a secretary. It's pretty pregnancy friendly so I thought... The beginning of my pregnancy was horrible were I was so sick that I bleed for weeks and was so dehydrated I thought I lost my baby. I shared it with my boss who is a woman. Later down the line I found out the baby was fine and told her. I went back to work doing great and getting bigger by the months... She still thought I wasn't pregnant until I had to sit down and tell her in May from the February incident that I was still expecting and due 3 weeks or less after school started next semester. Two weeks later during finals, she fired me! I guess I should of kept my mouth shut huh?


  • Awe that is wrong and illegal if its because you r prego. Did she tell u y?
  • Yea what was her reasoning???
  • Missouri is an "At Will" state so she didn't have to have a legitimate reason as to fire me but she just stated that she was going in a "different" direction aka hiring someone who could work w/o having to take a potty break every 10 minutes lol
  • Fmla still applies and its still illegal to fire someone for being prego
  • Oh now that's sad... have you found another job???
  • I thought at will was only for the first 3 months that's not how your state works???
  • If she has no other reason you could probably win a wrongful termination lawsuit but im no lawyer so who knows
  • @biffymnstr because she didn't just say "you're pregnant so you're fired" it's just speculation as to why I was let go
  • @mybabe i've been looking but at 6 months pregnant, I'm a liability to any employer because I can't work for an extended amount of time then anybody else that's able bodied would get the job before me and it doesn't matter here. At will here means at anytime you're butt can be fired and the employer won't be liable just as long as nothing racial or discriminatory is said.
  • @biffymnstr that's the beauty of "At Will" for employers in business. Ones termination can mean anything and when employees contest it. It'll take forever to prove something that was not said
  • Try babies r us or something that advertises pregnant women!!! That's what I'm going do...
  • @Mybabe sadly the closest baby store or something like that is 2 hrs away. I'm probably gonna be unemployed until after the baby
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  • Oh damn so sad well good luck to you!!! Keep me posted on how things work out I'm in school as well and I work every other weekend at a nursing home but I am thinking about quitting I still can't handle the smells LOL!!!
  • @ashleyfew I was denied bc I wasn't taxed at my job due to it being thru the state or I made too much with other temp jobs
    @Mybabe thanks; I'm not worried. I've gotten this far & I know what you mean lol so good luck to you
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