6 weeks 6 days and i have started to bleed..

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
I'm terrified to say the least! Me and hubby are going to the er soon. I pray that I'm not losing my baby. I'll be crushed. Please, any encouraging words?


  • Praying 4 u mama. Let us know how it goes....r u cramping?
  • Im 7weeks been bleeding since day one bk at beginning of jan.
  • I'm sorry to hear that..i just said a prayer for you and your family. Please keep us posted.
  • Ina pray for you mommy
  • I've heard around 30% pg women have bleeding. Good luck!!
  • I give you some encouraging words!!! It is more then likely from the egg implanting it's self into you untran wall. I was bleeding from around 5 weeks until 7/8 weeks. I think you will be ok. Wish you all the best of luck!! I am now 9 weeks and 3 days along. I am still cramping to though. Doctors say it's normal around those weeks. Wishing you the best of luck girl! Keep us posted!
  • I've been waiting forever. They're gonna
    do an ultrasound and some bloodwork...one day..
  • I appreciate the prayers and kind words...

    @momofsoon2beseven What type of tests did they run on you? I've never been so afraid.

  • Go luck hope all is well but I have been spotting as will since like week 4 and I'm now week 6. Keep us posted
  • Well I've had blood work done, my pap test oh joyful lol and an internal ultrasound done. I go on march 7th for my ultrasound that will tell me all the important things like weather or not the baby has spinal bifida and C.F. I finally get to hear the heart beat for the first time on the 23rd though and I super excited. This is my fifth like I said and im 25. Im just as excited as I was with my very first. Children are blessings and miracles. Just don't work yourself up to much about it. If you stress out and work yourself up you put yourself at more of a risk of miscarriage. Make sure your taking your prenatle vitamins. Very very important especially in the first trimester. Things will work put!!! Stay strong. I still spot here and there and cramp badly. Its normal for some people. Hang in there. It will get better but get to an obgyn asap though!!!
  • Sorry for the typos I hate my phone sometimes lol. Im sure you get my drift.
  • R u bleeding a lot. I had some spotting a few times 2 days then when I went to the doctors she gave me a pap and a vaginal ultrasound and I was bleeding the next day but nothing was wrong they said everything was fine. I hope it all turns out well for u sending prayers Ur way
  • No I haven't blead that bad. Just spotting here and there. And that's normal if you.bless the day after having the interenal ultrasound. Those thins are so uncomfortable. So that's kinda expected after having that done. I mean spotting is completely different the bleeding a lot. If your bleeding a lot then that's something to worry about. Don't stress about spotting its normal for the weeks you are. Thanks a lot for the prayers. I sure could use them right now im going through a lot right now and im just trying so hard to not stress so much. Ill definitely keep you in my prayers also. Just keep your head up and stay strong for yourself and the baby. If its meant to be its meant to be. Just remember everything happens for a reason!!!!
  • So after being in the hospital all night and every test you can think of. I was informed that I was losing my baby. I honestly knew it was happening. I was bleeding too much and having too much pain. He said it was nothing I had done that it was probably a chromosomal problem with the fetus and my body aborted it. He said he had no reason to think I couldn't carry a baby at a later date. Just no sex for a couple weeks..
  • I'm so sorry... stay strong...I went through that just in October...I'm 7 weeks today.
  • Well good luck to you honey. I would have been too..
  • So sorry to hear your bad news! Thinking of you X
  • Sorry to hear that mommy
  • Sorry to hear that hun, stay strong!
  • Awe sweetie im so sorry!! Just remember everything happens for a reason. I lost a baby at 16 weeks. I think the farther along you are the harder it is. Be thankful you weren't like 6 months along. Hun I know its hard very hard!!! Keep your head up and just stay strong. Regardless of how far along you are it's hard. Ill be keeping you in my thoughts. Your not alone in this just remember that!!!
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