Extreme Kicking

edited May 2011 in First time moms
I swear my baby has a party going on nonstop in my uterus. He's the most active baby ever. He kicks EVERYTHING from my bed, arm, body pillow to my seat belt for hours. I could understand some kicking for a normal baby but He takes it to the extreme. He will move from where ever he is to the objects just to kick them. I'm not sure if he sleeps because he'll go at it endlessly. Then I can't rest either because nothing is safe from his little feet!


  • Lol, u have a mini football player. How far along r u
  • lol i'm 25 weeks and 4 days. He's either a football player or soccer player because he clowns royally
  • I'm 33 week 2 days and mines partying hard my tummy looks so strange when he goes on one, I sometimes worry he will rip out lol :)
  • I am 34 weeks today and my little boy is the same way! I had to go to l&d for some cramping and back pain about 6 weeks ago and he constantly kicked at the heart rate and contraction monitors the whole 2 hours I was there!
  • Im at 29 weeks and have just started to experience the extreme kicking. She startled me cuz I was laying down w bad cramps and all of a sudden my tummy was wiggling like she was dancing lol. And now she's kicking all the time, I love it :) I play games with her with a flashlight or headphones. She follows it and kicks (punch?) where ever the object is. Its pretty fun to be able to play with my daughter already :)
  • Ill be 24 weeks tomorrow and my little girl is the same way . doc have told me i have an active baby since the first ultrasound it always takes awhile to find heartbeat or take pic of her heart because shes always moving she even flips around in my stomach its crazy. non stop kicking and moving
  • @bwilliams24: lol I was recently in the hospital and it sounded like a horrible beat boxing battle was going on in the room then he'd leave the monitoring area & the nurses would freak because It seemed like he had no heart rate. It took her 15 minutes to find him
    @tinkergal: first time it happened, I was doing my homework & he kicked my book off my stomach lol it was cute until I lost my place
  • @ahendricks09: lol I thank God my ultrasound was at 7 in the morning because he was knocked out. He just wouldn't open his legs and she kept poking him in the head. He looked so dumb at screen and slow blinked. It was hilarious!
  • @sammylouiseday: it does look freakish & hurts very bad
  • Lol it sucks I know pretty much when she's gonna move and I can tell the difference of her just moving around inside and her actually kicking or punching me.. I was in the er all last weekend because of pain from her kicking me and contractions horrible
  • Lol I just want him out so he can kick & abuse somebody else
  • FETAL INSAMNIA. or he has a major case of NINJA. I'll vote NINJA. and I know how you feel, at 21+4 weeks, mine is acting like he has to kick EVERYTHING. he def sleeps but my god, I fear to get any farther.
  • LOL @major case of ninja. With his father genes I wouldn't doubt it, my baby will be extra special. I fear he'll bust through my bellybutton before I can evict him If I get any bigger.
  • lol my bf thinks its cute that she moves so much um no sometimes it hurt i told him when she comes out im going to hold her over his face and let her kick and punch him as much as she likes so he can see how "cute" it is even though it wont compare
  • Lol no it won't but it'll make you feel better
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