anyone else a big worrier??

I'm about 6-8 wks along with our first. I seem to be worrying over everything! Random period-like cramps (these are normal right?) And I've been nauseous most days but today I haven't had any cramping or nausea. I'm a big mess!


  • You sound like me. I did the same thing. Just remember cramps are normal just as long as they aren't extremely painful and followed by bleeding.
  • I worry too! Like I'm going to LA today and am scared I wont be around a hospital that takes my insurance.... just in case something happens :/
  • I wasn't till I got pregnant now I worry about everything joys of being a new mom lol
  • Yeah I worry about everything and drive myself crazy. I usually end up crying and then I'm fine lol:) You will never stop worrying until the baby is born healthy and you ares holding him or her. Then you will have a whole new set of worries lol:)
  • Me too, I'm six weeks and am scared I'm gonna miscarry. I know its negative but I can't help it. I wish those thoughts weren't in the back of my head
  • this is my first and i never thought i would worry so much! i dont have many symptoms so its hard to believe but the doc shows me my baby n then i feel better. im 14 weeks now so im happy its moving along, sure ya'll will be fine its just all so exciting and unreal!
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