castor oil??

edited June 2011 in Pregnant
Where can I get castor oil from?and does it work?(:


  • Wal mart, walgreens, most phamacy. I havent tried it.
  • Worked once didn't work the second time. First time I was 10 days postdate. This last time I was 39 wks 2 days
  • You can get it from pretty much any place with a pharmacy. Not sure if it really works though. Everyone I know that has tried it has ended up in an emergency c-section because their bodies weren't ready and the contractions were too strong and stressed baby out or the baby had its first bowel movement inside them which can also be dangerous. But everyone is different hun :)
  • I've never tried it before, but its safe right? Am I suppose to drink it? Do you ladies know how much?
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