when are u getting closer to birth when they are longer or shorter for pain? mine for right now are about 30 seconds to 2.5 mins apart with a duration of 5-10 seconds for right now
Thats what my dr was saying just wasnt sure how to time them exactly. Im really trying not to go into l&d till then even tho im only 35 and 4 because my dr said at this point my body and baby are too ready so stopping it isnt really a option just try not to progress it till the 4th. thanks @BkE913
See if changing positions helps. Like if ur sitting get up and get some water and maybe lay down or take a bath. If your walking try sitting down. They should bw able to stop ur labor (in theory) until 36 weeks
@blissmarie23 well the dr is now questioning my due date as it has changed three times so in all reality i could be due anywhere from yesterday to july 2nd. i ended up in L&D on saturday night to sunday morning with 8 minute apart contractions and dialation. at one point my lil girl popped her head down to where the nurse could touch it but luckily she floated back up out of the touchable range. i've had contractions since last night i tried drinkin water, switching where i was sleeping tried walking they aren't getting real regular yet but definitely getting more painful.
My contractions never get regular even when pushing. They get stronger (for the most part) but not neccesarily closer together. If you are up.walking but still trying to relax ur body and you can't walk anymore or speak to anyone without catching ur breath and waiting til the contraction finishes you should go back to the hospital. If you feel like you have to take a massive dump I would call 911 because it means the baby is coming.
@blissmarie23 at teh hospital they were registering regular but i couldnt feel them every time they were hitting me so im not sure im even timing them right i refuse to even fart if i have any contractions at all lol they hurt like probly a 6 on a 1-10 scale but im pretty pain tolerant so im not sure if i should go in cuz pain is getting worse or not
@aliisvolatpropriis my dr wants me to wait till either pain is too much or 5 minute apart contractions lasting for 1 minute for 1 hour as she doesnt think ill b able to stop at all. she's kind of expecting me to go into labor anytime due to baby and body being ready even if they keep sayin im not 36 weeks. i might go walkin tho cuz it seems to help with managin the pain atleast.
@blissmarie23 the pain will stop me but i can get through it i was in a car accident with 3 bruised ribs and a cracked arm and i didnt take any of the pain meds so im not sure if i should use the pain as a indicator. i feel them and they hurt but i can muddle through. so far they have increased to about roughly 30 second duration every minute to 4 minutes
I can empathize with a high pain tolerance. I sang while I pushed out a 9lb 9 oz baby. But there comes a moment when you hit 7-8 cm that women usually have a mini panic (like I can't do this where's my epidural?!?) That is really distinctive in labor. When I hit that point I rush to the hospital. (That would be too late for some people though. )