I understand my nose and my earsx are clogged causing me to cough because it makes a drip. And I can't freaking hear out my clogged ear. I asked the doctor he said normal pregnancy stuff it will clear up after baby..I've been this way for over a month...the cough even longer. God help me I hate it!
You're right tamsy. The doctor ran down a list of meds that are safe to take but my gut says stay away from it all and just suck it up. This is the way woman have done it for years. I can handle a nother 2more months. Lol the sad part is I feel like this whole preg I have been sick. I found out I had phnemonia the night we found out we were pregnant....sinus infections follow and needless to say I had to suffer months just to let my body fight it off. Every time I took diamatap in the begining because dr said its safe id still feel guilty because id worry what it will do to the baby. I pray every day for my baby to be healthy.
@sarachild84 yup...Ive been avoiding meds, even for the worst headaches. I too want to be a natural as possible for the health of my baby! Viva la healthy babies! Carpe de congestion!