Expressing - Advice please?
Unfortunately I can't breastfeed. I have inverted nipples. I know that doesn't always mean you can't feed but I seem to be one of the few who can't. At the moment I'm expressing 8-12 times a day and bottle feeding and topping up with formula if he needs it. I'm getting a but stressed about it because I hate doing it. I have a hand pump, am looking into an electric one but they're so expensive and I really can't afford it right now. My hand is completely cramped up. I already feel like a failure because I can't breastfeed, I know it doesn't make me one but i can't help feeling that way. I want to do what's best for my lil man but I'm so so close to giving up n going to formula. Any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I'm not looking for advice on getting him onto the breast as the subject is starting to stress me out aswell. I've had 2 breastfeeding councillors plus every midwife who came on shift while I was in hospital trying to get him to latch, often trying the exact same thing as the last one n not listening or believing me when i say that doesn't work. I would just really like some advice on expressing n feeding.