pregant and on the verge of divorce


  • I went thru a divorce with my first pregnancy. My ex was not the father tho. My second husband, the father of both my kids is still around but we def have huge arguments
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  • I am pregnant with my second child..I'm due in a few weeks and I left my childrens father about 5 months ago.
  • I've got four kids and another one on the way. My husband and I have been pulling apart for the past 8/9months. Im tired of feeling like a mother to him as well. I've tried to work on it but I just can't take it any more. I went to a second attorney today bc the first one I had ripped me off. My husband is the type that is Mr.Billy Bad A$$. His mommy and daddy spoil him so much so in everyones eyes he's the best thing alive. News flash he's not!!! He's lazy, mentally and emotionally abusive and he just doesn't care half of the time. When he found out I was filing for a divorce he went nuts!!!! I had to call the cops an make him get out. And still then his mommy and daddy stood beside him. I just recently found out I was pregnant. He doesn't know but suspects it. He knows it wouldn't be his. I was kinda scared about that but my attorney today told me as long as the real father signs the dna paper then I don't have to worry about my husband claiming its his. I've wanted out for awhile but its been hard to get out bc I do have four kids and I only work 12-18 hours a week and its hard to cone up with money for an attorney. He doesn't have to worry about that bc mommy and daddy pay for all his crap. Not fair I know but ill work and bust my butt to get out for my kids sake and mine as well. Its very hard and im worried sick bc I've been so depressed and stressed out and afraid im going to miscarry bc of all of this. I have the babies dad that im carrying bugging me about how he wants me out so he can take care of me and the kids. I understand where he's coming from and I can't wait to get out but its more stressful knowing I want out and what I have waiting for me when I can't rush this along. My husband will drag this out as long as he can hes a big ahole and only stops when he gets what he wants. Well im the same way. So we are gonna have a fight. I know it's gonna be worth it in th end bc I actually have a real man that loves me and all if my kids. We have been friends for years and he just recently went through a divorce himself. It drew us closer together bc I was thee for him and he was there for me when my husband wasn't. It was so hard to keep our feelings under control. We tried but one thing lead to another and now we are "together" and now expecting our first child. Yes I undersand people can judge me all they want to but it doesn't matter bc I've wanted out of this marriage for about 7/8 months now filed for my divorce and my attorney screwed me over. So its not like I haven't tried to get out. I don't care what people think of me. As long as im taking care of my kids and im happy everyone else can kiss it lol. Sorry so long. I've thought about posting something like this too but didn't want people running there mouth. But again idc now. I know im a good mom and I've got a good head on my shoulders. My husband has cheated on me multiple times as well. But im bing the bigger person and getting out!!!!
  • edited July 2015
  • edited July 2015
  • @laconteau my personal experiamce was it was easier after I had the baby bc not preg n so emotional n I realized he still wasn't gona change after baby was born n it gave me strength to do better for her which meant leave him.
  • Things are better after the divorce and after you have the baby bc you have a bundle of joy to love on and try to forget and keep ur mind off of the soon to be ex. Or the ex.@laconteau im so sorry. That would hurt regardless. Just know sometimes your better off without them as well as the kid/kids also. My ex-husband gave up his rights to my two oldest daughters to my now husband who's also going to be my ex. I have no luck with men. Except now I think I've got my winner this time. 3rd times a charm.
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