I need lots of luck.. 39 week appt later

I have my drs appt at 330 to see if any progress has been made. Im 6 days from my due date and as of saturday I still havent dilated or effaced at all !! Lets hope this appt shows some progress and I can finally see a light at the end of the tunnel !!


  • Good luck and baby dust.
  • Oh n I hope ur baby sees a light at the end of the birth canal tunel very soon lol n he or she is healthy
  • Good luck hun!! My 39 week appointment is in 2 hours. Im 1 day ahead of you, I have 5 days left. Just think of it this way, we are sooo close!! We will be meeting our babies very soon! Praying for some progress with both of us!
  • @natashalynn

    Thanks so much !! He is a BIG healthy baby boy and im afraid I wont be able to push him out if he waits much longer !! Im reaallyy hoping to set a date today and I hope even more that he comes on his own before then !! I had my daughter the day before I was set to be induced
  • Oh man, how big is he measuring? My lil girl was measuring 7.5 lbs as of yesterday which is a relief to me since I was a huge baby (almost ten lbs) but I still have no signs of labour and I'm 39 tomorrow.
    I really hope your man comes around soon.
  • I just left the drs and my cervix still hasnt changed !! Ughh I just feel like crying !! And he said the baby is probably close to or over 9lbs.. !!!! .. I just want to have my baby boy and not be in pain anymore
  • im sorry to hear that! set date?
  • @survivormommie3 my doc wont set a date until my cervix changes
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