Anyone on here over 30? :-)

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
I am due May 31st with a boy....eventhough this is my third pregnancy, this will be my first live birth God willing. My first two pregnancies were miscarriages and this time....everything is different. This time I am single and will be 35 in June. I just wanted to see if there was anyone close to my age having a precious little one too! :-)


  • I'm 32 and 17 weeks with my first. I've been married for less than two years :)
  • Congratulations! I don't know about you.....but most of my friends had their children in their twenties....and they think I'm too old.
  • I'm 37 will be 38 in june. I'm due with my 4th may 14th! I had my son at the age of 36. My 2 daughters where both born in my 20s.
  • I am 35 and having out third in july...finally a littlr boy!
  • Im 34 and this is my 5th pregnancy, 3 livin children,1 past away, and now 1 coming, im so happy, oct bby
  • I'll be 33 next month, justfound found out I am pregnant with my first child. My 1st anniversary is this week as well. Due October 27. Hope everyone is going well. Looking forward to this crazy ride!
  • I am 34 going on 35 in aug. I am due on aug 4 with my 4th child. It does get harder with age. This has been the most difficult pregnancy, but its truly a blessing.
  • im 31 fifth pregnancy. This will b our fourth child. We had our first at 20, 25, 30and I will b still 31 when this boy is born. This is our final pregnancy as my husband will be getting a vasectamy. We have no more room lol :)
  • Im 35 and having my 4th son due May other sons are 11,12,&13.
  • Ill be 35 7/20 expecting my second, but its my fourth pregnancy.
  • Im 38 will be 39 a week before baby arrives on June.. excited to see others around age..
  • @shelley62676, all my friends and my sister had theirs early too. My sister had her last of three @ 30 and said it was her most difficult. I didn't really want kids before but my husband always has. He wants three, and may get two depending on how this one goes :) So far, so good!
  • I'm 32 and this is baby number 3. baby due Aug 7th and I turn 33 on Aug 10th :-)
  • 34 here. 3 children (13 11 and 9). Had 2 ectopics now pregnant at 7 wks w/ my 6th pregnancy and hopefully 4th child :)
  • I'll be 31 in may and my baby is due may 16th, this will be my second child I had my first when I was 26. Does being over 30 make us geriatric mothers lol. A midwife once referred to my 35 year old friend as one when she was pregnant with her 1st.
  • Yeah me. I'm 36 will be 37 before little un arrives. This will be my 3rd. Live in devon (uk) and Oct baby. X I thought I would feel older and wiser but I'm a panicky mess lol x
  • im 34 will be 35 in aug. and prego with my 1st due in sept. im glad I waited but wish I didnt have to worry about all the extra risks. congrats to everyone!
  • Im 34. Been married 15yrs this will be our 2nd child, our son is. 9. Congrats to all of us Mommy's!
  • I am 38 will be 39 by the time baby is born. This is #4 for us and we are shocked and excited. I had my tubes tied in 2005. Had my US today and saw and heard the heartbeat. I pray all goes well...... o-+
  • Silly phone I meant %%-
  • I am 31 will be 32 in June, I am preggers with my boys are almost 9 and the other is 10. It has been along time since i had a baby......its seems all new to me again....I am currently 9 weeks and 5 days pregnant ......Cant wait till August or September gets here to meet my baby.....Will be taking the intelligender test on thursday....:) want a girl this time...
  • I'm 36 will be 37 in October and we are trying. Should find out soon if we re due in October. Tammy1979 what is an intelligender test
  • Sweet. I don't feel alone. I just turned 31 and having my first! I had a mc last year and have been with my husband 12 years total but married for 6. We didn't think we could have one. I'm now 12 weeks and have yet to tell my work! It was a bit of a surprise that I did concieve after all.
  • I'm 31 pregnant with my 1st due Oct. 5th. Been married a month. I'm thinking its called a honeymoon baby. Lol hobby and u are excited!
  • I'm 30 due with my first aug 18. Depending on howe this goes depends on if I will have a second. I do know so far I have been beat
  • Im 36, i have a 13 yr old, and starting all over again. My son's father was a mess caused me lots of grief during my first pregnancy. Im looking forward to having a baby with my husband, the love of my life.
  • Im 33 will be 34 when baby is here. This is my third and last. Already have two teenage step sons. Mine will be 5 1/2 and 3 when baby is here. Super excited, especialy to be done lol Is our last for sure!
  • Im 36, i have a 13 yr old, and starting all over again. My son's father was a mess caused me lots of grief during my first pregnancy. Im looking forward to having a baby with my husband, the love of my life.
  • I'm 32 and expecting #3 in July! I have a 2 yr old and a 12 year old. We already have one of each... Hoping for another boy but will blessed either way.
  • Is anyone from California
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