someone help!!! what's the easiest way....

to tell your parents or loved ones youre pregnant knowing it's going to be hard for them to accept it?


  • How far are you?? And I can tell you not over the phone. Lol
  • Why would it be hard for them to accept @taytaydadiva
  • There is noo easy way honestly just say it...I had a hard time to waited till I was 3months
  • I'm 16 + 3 days and I haven't told my mom yet :(
  • edited June 2011
    I just know it would be and then I've been hiding it for so long idk how to tell them @lexi34
  • Have you had an ultrasound yet? That is how I was gonna tell my mom, but it didn't go as planned. You need to get the ball rolling, your getting pretty far lol.
  • How old are you? have you had a scan yet? if so put a scan pic in with a letter? i just told my mum she was happy my fiancee text his mum who is glad he did because it gave her a bit of time to think about it before we spoke about it
  • "Hey Mom, I'm pregnant" I doubt she'll ask how it happened.
  • @nicksmommy what was the reaction you received when you told them
  • I think just coming out and saying it...the only person I was worried about was my grandma. Her opinion means a lot to me. And she reacted the way I thought she would...rude. Lol but I explained to her that I just really wanted her blessing and her prayers for my child. And for her to understand that it doesn't mean I'm going to give up on school or my 'dream job' just means it puts an obstical in the way. I hope things go better than you expect it to! And good luck!
  • I'm 21 n yes Ive had u/s done. lol @ caroline
  • Good, adult status.. not like they can tell you what to do. Ya know.
  • yeah I know but my moms opinion means a lot
  • I'm 21 also and it was hard for me to tell my parents bc I lived with them but trust me just sit down with them and say, "Mom, Dad, I'm pregnant!" You might as well go ahead and get it out the way, it'll feel like a big weight has been lifted off of your shoulders! Plus, you're not going to be able to hide it much longer.
  • @taytaydadiva I know how you feel. I know one thing..she will probably be shocked..but give her time to cool off. My abuelita called me the next day and apologized for acting the way she did.she said some hurtful things to me(why coundt you have kept your legs closed, street walker, told my fiance that he wasn't good enough for me, and told me that I should have gotten rid of him before I got tied down, etc).but when she called me she just said she was disappointed that I didn't wait and she was happy for me.. Just kinda have to roll with the punches I suppose.
  • yeah I guess. I might as well just come out and tell her. I can handle my mom being mad but seeing her disappointed is another. but thanks everyone for your advice!
  • @tootie08 yeah youre right...can't hide it much longer. I'm surprised she hasn't started asking questions.
  • She'll prob be more disappointed you felt you couldn't go to her when you found out good luck :)
  • @taytaydadiva She probably already knows but she's just waiting for u to say something. If you live with her, I'm sure that its obvious bc most parents just know!
  • Do it, if she does get mad. just wait til the baby comes. My bd's mom was the one we were really scared about. Try to tell her with more people around, she should react better that way. good luck hun. She will love that baby so much especially when it is here.
  • thanks you guys
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