I remember when I was 5 weeks I still didnt know lol it really flew by definitely enjoy the experience while you can. Im 40 weeks today I can't believe its almost over!
Awwwwww. :X You brought back memories... From wondering if you are pregnant, your period is missing , peeing on that little stick or sticks (all 17 of them) the mini heart attack when the result is positive, calling everyone you know within MINUTES of the test, hubby cuddling to your belly as if he could somehow connect with the little grain of rice in there, taking that first belly pic for a "before" reference. To think in just 9 weeks, all of my morning sickness, back aches, swelling, fatigue, crying, constant peeing, heartburn, sore nipples, weight gain, and every other pregnancy woe, will be all worth it, is amazing. These girls are right. It goes by incredibly fast, enjoy it. :X
Seema like so long ago! I remember peeing on a stick as a joke (only because I wasn't supposed to be able to egt pregnant) and it came out positive! Now I'm 30 weeks and can't believe its getting so close to that time:) it definately flies by and now it feels like its at a stand still. Congrats!
@ahhtigerstripes1104 when is your due date? How long have you been ttc it was four months four us Congrats on your bfp. We should keep in touch and give eachother updates btw what is your name I'm april
5 weeks i was being a bad momma smoking drinking long lounge nights i found out when i was 7 weeks so enjoy and take care of urself and that precious life inside of you im in my 26th week now it sure does fly
I'm crissy my due date is February first, I'm guessing. Ttc for seven months. I'm twenty years old and I live with my boyfriend. How old are you? And thank you congrats on yours too! When did you get your bfp? I got mine on Tuesday. Yes, let's keep in touch!
How old are you? And thank you congrats on yours too! When did you get your bfp? I got mine on Tuesday. Yes, let's keep in touch!