I guess it depends on were you go...i have about 4 sets of photos from different appointments..do you already know the gender? You can always ask your doctor.
It's all dependent on the facility and how often they do them. It never hurts to ask if you can have more. Hopefully, they're a place that will allow that. Some are very particular. Mine is cool. I had two by the time I was 18 weeks, and they said after that, I can schedule them whenever I want. I haven't scheduled my next one yet, but I might at 26 or 28 weeks.
We did a 3d one at 30 weeks too. But if i were you i'd ask for sure. How far along are you? Some doctor order a growth study tgats what my 35 week ultrasound was. Its usually towards the end though.
At 27w 3d, I've just had 2, but I only have one set of print-outs. One of my U/S was an emergency situation, so I didn't get to even see that one. I have Medicaid and here, it covers one @ 10w, 18-20w, 28-32w and one at 34-36w...but because of the doctor that I chose to go to, I missed the first 2 sets, and my next one isn't scheduled until they do a Growth Study U/S at 35 weeks. On the set that I was given at my last appointment, which was just a typical U/S, the doctor circled where the baby's "boy parts" are, so that I wouldn't feel dumb when someone asked and I couldn't tell them... But if you're uncomfortable with the amount of U/S you have gotten, ask for more when you go; some doctors are really nice about it and are more than willing to "order" more scans, so that you can get a couple more copies.!
But we paid out of pocket for 3d and I plan on going again.
On the set that I was given at my last appointment, which was just a typical U/S, the doctor circled where the baby's "boy parts" are, so that I wouldn't feel dumb when someone asked and I couldn't tell them...
But if you're uncomfortable with the amount of U/S you have gotten, ask for more when you go; some doctors are really nice about it and are more than willing to "order" more scans, so that you can get a couple more copies.!