whats the sillyest/craziest thing you have cryed over?

edited February 2011 in Just for Fun
Not having any cream cheese at a resteraunt


  • Its maybe not silly but I never cry..... I cried at Disneyland's World of Color when Mufasa died :(
  • My bf/bd not telling me sweetdreams.
    I cried for like 3 hrs
  • OMG I was riding with my boyfriend in his truck (he's a truck driver, so he spends alot of time in it) he likes to keep it really clean...I spilled Sprite allll over his console! I felt so bad, I kept apologizing and he was like "babe really its fine, I spill all the time" but I cried anyway!!
  • a little girl I don't even know got up to sing a song in church. She was just so cute and I couldt help thinking that could be my lil girl up there in a few years!! Just couldn't stop the tears.. so silly lol
  • I don't know the silliest, but I cried today. My husband is not the romantic type at all. We've been married for 5 yrs and never any flowers or anything. I'm use to it. He came home from the gym with a teddy and candy and I cried.
  • Every time the st lukes children's hospital commercial comes on I cry hysterically for like 5 minutes
  • I called my grandma crying because my sister told me what games she planned for my baby shower and I thought they sounded boring...
  • Lol, that one is funny
  • I cried today because someone made fun of my friend that is trying to conceive when she swore on facebook over something she found out at the doctors today. I cried for like 30 minutes as I was trying to figure out something to take away how heartless that person was to her and make her feel all better.
  • Aww i cried because my boyfriend said he had to call me back once lol
  • Hell I had no reason, I just start crying one day, confused the crap out of my boyfriend.
    Oh one day I cried cuz I couldn't see my cooch in the shower to shave, I moved every which way, couldn't even hold my belly to the side to see it . I gave up. A new task my boyfriend does for me now. Lmao
  • My vacume wouldn't work so i started yelling at it like it was a person kicked it over the cried for an hour cuz i felt like a jerk for scraming at the vacume....... it still doesn't work :(
  • I cried in target the first time I went shopping for my baby's clothes. It was so overwhelming and I thought the outfits were so adorable. Also I'm naming my son Carter and tht was the clothing brand so it was just perfect :) I went crazy and ended up getting a ton of outfits but my parents say I should take them bak bcause they're winter clothes and my baby is due in may.
  • I cried the other day over a text message my bf sent me. He sent me a message telling me that he was getting hit on and grinded up on by a skinny blonde at work and I was so upset that I sat at home crying for like an hour. I mean here I am with this big huge tummy and I'm a brunette and I just couldn't help but feel for a second that maybe he is tired of coming home to that everyday. And I know that my horomones are totally out of whack and he has to deal with them being all over the place.
  • I work at McDonalds and I was trying to open a packet of raisins for an oatmeal and couldn't get it and started crying hysterically lol
  • Our hormones gets the best of us all the time... I cry over everything... Last week I watched lovely bones and when I say cried like a baby. My family was just staring like I was a ghost.... I over heated my hot pocket in the microwave and freaking cried.... I think the most silly was I came in class like four minutes late and they were taking a rush POP quiz for only five minutes the teacher gave it to me and said you only have a minute left... I freaked and cried then she gave me like extra time.. lol
  • American idol every show so far this year!!! Its the little life stories of the contestants on there.
  • When pregnant with my son I cried because I was to fat to fit through the kitchen when my husband was in there
  • I cried cos i had got into bed and got comfy and then realised i didnt have any tissue incase i needed it in the night! I cried loads my bf laughed and went and got me some
  • When I take a stroll down memory lane thinking about my baby sister, when she was a baby. I break down & cry & she laughs at me (she's 13 now).
  • So far... My husband asking for notes in class from a girl.
  • My brothr eatn all my boston baked beans "candy"
  • Watching the biggest loser lol
  • A folgers coffee commercial haha
  • when my boyfriend ate my pistachio nuts and peach rings :( I was gonna eat them together and he juss ate them while I was takin a nap, I had tons of other candy on the dresser but I wanted those at the time! Lol I felt like he stabbed me in the back....
  • Us preggos are crazy I cryesd the other day bc my bf left to go to work and I didn't want him to leave then after I was like seriosuly I'm so nuts!
  • When my husband called me baby girl.....too funny
  • I cried at a restaurant yesterday because I went there hungry, placed myorder, waited 20mins only to findmyorder had not been submitted. I sat at the bar crying and laughing at the same time because I was crying. The server rushed to get me bread and chips. I was so angry the rest of the night I couldn't even look at the girl who initially took my order.. I wanted to scream at her.
  • I'm not sure. I just cried last night for no reason. But then u cried because I felt crazy lol
  • My husband not buying me nachos late one night lol. It was at the beginning bfore I found out I was pregnant and he was like" its 10 p.m. its too late for nachos" so I just started crying for no reason and he just was like "damn ok, are you pregnant or something?" Now im 27 wks and still cry about stupid stuff
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