November Baby Gender?



  • Due Nov 16th & My Ultrasound is scheduled for June 17th. I can't wait. But I think it's a girl. And are most of you ladies having 3D Ultrasounds?
  • edited May 2011
    Sry u didn't get u boy I'm scared shitless about a girl lol when i looked at ur pic i guessed girl i saw the 3 lines
  • Why are you scared of a girl? @hupe23_1
  • edited May 2011
    Girls are mean i think boys are way easier lol
  • Lol, you'll do fine. My sister has a daughter and she is the sweetest and funniest thing. :)
  • Now when they get older thats adifferent story
  • It's a boy!
  • I'm 14wks and I went to the dr last week and found out I was having a boy. I want another girl but I'm just as happy with another boy.

  • I'm due nov 10th and I won't find out until june 23rd...ugh that's sooooo far away....please send pink dust my way!
  • Im due nov 22 and I find out the 21 of june. I have a girl already now we are hopin for a boy! I think its a girl though :/
  • Just found out today that I won't have my ultrasound until July 6. I'm so upset!
  • Oh no! I hate how they make us wait so long! :/
  • I'm having a girl just found out today my due date is nov 2nd
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • Boy & due nov 16
  • I paid for an us last Thursday to find out early (due 11/12) but babys legs were crossed with the umbilical cord between the legs. But we did get video and pics of baby sucking its thumb. So rescheduled for 6/11...hate waiting :o(
  • Nov 8th is my due date were having a boy! We went to a place an hour away from our town (closest place i found) to find out early! Are these things usually wrong when it comes to boys bc im nervous she is wrong. I mean there was a lil thing sticking out but im scared she might have mistaked the cord as his unit. Lol
  • Im due November 28th and I find out the gender on June 11th. I am really hoping for a girl but at our ultrasound today we stumbled across what looked like some boy tools lol i thought it was early since im only 14 weeks n 3 days but little baby had legs spread n was ready to show it off lol Dr said it could have been umbilical cord so i scheduled a 3d scan for the 11th to find out for sure =)
  • A friend had one at 16 weeks. They said it was a boy. Two weeks later she found out it's a girl. So they can definitely be wrong! I'm due November 1st and June 6th was the earliest that my doctor would schedule it. I have strong boy feelings but I am dying to find out for sure!
  • My drs office thinks I'm due Nov 28 but I went to the hospital a few weeks back and they said I'm a week behind so now I think I'm due the 6th! I have no idea When I get to find out. MY husband wants to wait but I'm crossing my fingers for a girl
  • Im due Nov 3rd and im having a boy
  • Dec 6 th
  • @everyone there is alot of blue dust flying around this post!
  • @mollybygolly i really hope they're not wrong for me bc i bought a 90 dollar diaper bag & had his name put on it!!!!!! Ugh!!! Im freaked out.
  • i find out on the 20th of this month what i'm having. that is, if the lil one will cooperate. as active has he/she has been in the previous 2 u/s's though, i don't think they'll have a problem. lol i'm hoping for team pink, but my bd wants team blue. >.<
  • I'm due November 13th and having a boy!!
  • I am due November 17th. I will find out on June 28th which is too damn far away! I already have five boys so I am hoping this one is a girl.
  • Im having a boy and due nov 4
  • Due Nov 2nd...with a little boy!
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