September Mommies, do you know what you are having? If so what are you naming your baby?



  • Im due the 23rd of sept with a baby boy- joshua jay :-)
  • Due Sept 27 with a girl (3rd baby, 2nd girl) found out yesterday. Name is yet to be decided on.
  • due Sep 10 our first!!! its a girl & her name is Ja'Layah Aubree
  • I'm due the 22nd with a girl whom we have named julieanne rose
  • Im due september 9th with my first its a boy his name will probably be jacob cole!
  • I'm due September 20th with a girl her name will be jasmine samran-kay
  • I'm due Sept. 3rd with my first. Having a baby girl naming her Berkli Alessandra :)
  • Our little girl is due Sept. 18th and she will be named Siena Bryn.
  • Sept. 23 baby Gryson Philip Paul Charles .. we figured we knock all the grandparents out in one shot since my other son Landon has my husbands middle name lol
  • Im due sept 15 with a little boy
    His name will be Gunner Allen :)
  • I'm due Sept 5th. We hit the jackpot girl number 3 for us!
    Her name will be Londyn Grace :)
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  • Im due sept 15 with a little boy gunner allen
  • edited June 2011
    This Is my third boy :) Due September 24th, I love the name Elijah,no middle name yet
  • due 9/25 BOY!!!! His name is Neiko Patrick.....
  • 9-29 its a not his name will be Kollin xander
  • A boy sorry my phone is weird
  • This is my 3rd n final child...its a boy. N we r naming him mathan Steven
  • N I'm due Sept. 22
  • I'm due 9-6 with our first baby, a little girl named Lilly Raena! After I announced the name Lilly, 2 of my friends (including my sil) advised me I 'stole' there name! (There not even pregnant and I chose Lilly because it has special meaning to shaun and I)! Crazy ladies..its mine, all mine and no I'm not changing her name to make YOU happy lol! Congrates setpember mamas :)
  • I'm the daddy, but ill post anyway lol, my fiance is due sept 9th, a boy tristan alexander :)
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