HELP! woke up with bruising on my belly

edited February 2011 in First Trimester
I have no idea how it happened but I woke up with a bruise I didn't have yesterday! I had slight vaginal cramping but no blood so I dk what to think


  • How far along are you? & is this your first? It could just be from the stretching of your muscles, it can pop blood vessels, leaving the bruise. Is it a big bruise?
  • I am only 7wks and yes this is my first
  • I had a bruise on my belly too at like 6 weeks. Idk how it got there lol, but have not realized how bloated my belly was and walked into something? Lol I have no idea!
  • Then I would call the Dr, if anything just for peace of mind. Just remember that it is probably just the extra blood flowing, but calling the Dr. So you are not worried about it is for the best. G'luck, keep us updated.
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