Wtf?! Stupid prank call (vent)

edited June 2011 in Pregnant
Now let me start by saying I am one girl that sticks to myself. I never go out n my best n only friends are my aunt n I dont get prank calls EVER. Except tonight.. Some little b*t¢h calls n asks if im pregnant n says I was drugged n raped by her so I wont remember it n my babys going to come out retarded n im not going to want to keep it... WTF?! I started yelling till she hung up n cried to my grandma.. is this how idiots enjoy their friday nights these days?! It woulda ruined my night any other day but thank goodness my man made me an oreo cream pie :p


  • Ahhh oreo cream pie :"> did you call her back and rip her a new a$$hole? If not you totally should because that is uncalled for :(
  • I wish I could call her back but it was a blocked number n I have no idea who it could be. but if I did trust me she would have a couple more holes in her ass lol
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