@Everybody thank you for the congrats and well wish sending all the other preglys due this month and one past due labor dust!!! Sorry I havent been on, I've just been so wrapped up in my little one. I haven't slept since noon thursday I'm just amazed at my beautiful baby girl. Hoping to be able to post pics tomorrow. Thank you all again.
@blissmarie23 That little guy is still not here?? Your right he can't stay in there forever he has his reasons for cooking a little longer. He'll be here soon.
@MommyofAngels Aww thank you! And she is BEAUTIFUL head full of hair!!! I actually clipped a bow in it today. I'm gonna put up pics as soon as i get home my phone wont let me!!!
@blueberrysmom I couldn't agree more! Seeing all the babies being born makes November feel Like years away lol