omg im really scared help!

edited June 2011 in Pregnant
ok so i just hit 20 weeks on monday an i still havent been to the doctor i live in ky an this state keeps messing up on my medical card im soo scared an stressed i cry all the time i just dont kno what to do anymore i take prenatels that i got from walmart but im scared my baby is gonna come out with something wrong with it


  • Can't you just go into ER and then ask for retro from medical? Where do you live?
  • The best thing is that you are taking prenatals. I am carring my second, and with my first I was scared like that if I didn't get into the dr right away. This one, no sweat lol! Stay calm and relaxed. You are just fine. Eat healthy, and if you can take nice walks. Have you felt movement? I think you should soon. That will relax you! I hope they get your card worked out soon.
  • Y dont u just go to the doc. N pay out of ur pocket.
  • Do this go to the ER pretending your cramping and tell them you have been spotting off and on all week and they will order test and ultrasound and you can see how your baby is and maybe the gender. I don't know what else to say. But good luck.
  • @chevygirl omg yes movements like crazy lol i do take lots of walks @missaguilar45 just cuz it gets really expensive but i have been to the er twice an i got to hear the heartbeat
  • Don't get me wrong you should see a dr but they don't do to much. My midwife listened to baby's heartbeat and asked me questions and did blood work to check for stds and all that. Other then that it is about time for an ultrasound. If you have insurance get the name of the company and your policy # and make an appointment. Remember everyone on this planet got here by being born and and dr haven't been around that long. So don't stress to much! You aren't dying your just pregnant and your body knows what to do. Just make sure you eat healthy and take those vitamins and get to the dr as soon as you can. But in my opinion the only thing drs are good for is if something is wrong or you end up with gustational diabetes (which isn't the end of the world either I have it). There can be things wrong that the dr could never tell. Just relax and try not to worry to much. Think about that show "I didn't know I was pregnant" those women NEVER see a dr and lots of their babies come out just fine! Good luck!
  • @Missaguilar45 because its too expensive! I should know i am paying out of pocket for this one every penny! Some people cant afford to pay out of their pocket, I barely can and i am getting the best possible deal. Have you ever seen the actual cost of one doctors visit?
    @dominican213 Call your county health dept some still do prenatal exams. I have to drive an hour from my town to see another health dept. but its so worth it, much cheaper and its still great care. Plus they could help get the paper work for Medical cards done and usually processed faster.
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  • Are there any family planning clinics in your area? That's where I went while I waited for my medi-cal to come in... don't stress though, you're taking care of yourself and thats what matters.
  • I'm from Kentucky too where are you from I know of some places where you can be seen. Yes they messed up mine up also.
  • thank u so much girls @mschop i live in covington ky
  • That would be part of the state I know nothing about and don't know anyone that lives there but a did I quick Google and found this
    The places all go off income, maybe not the best but something till your medical card kicks in. Oh BTW are you due October 24th? Ill be 20 weeks also on Monday
  • I have the same issue here in ny. I haven't seen anyone since wk 18/19.. now I'm 28 weeks and I could care less about a damn dr.
  • @caroline8_p lol your freaking funny girl.....hahahaha omg u made my day....wth r u gonna do deliver yourself....that would cost really cheap i should try lol
  • Lol, no I'll go to the hospital to deliver, but between now and then is when I don't care. @gabbyc I only have 12 weeks left. Lol
  • hahahhaha i know it sounded funny.....hahahahahha imagine your like yelling at yourself "ok caroline when I count to three (oh what number is it that they count to) i want a big pushhh" hahahahahhaha ayayayyy @caroline8_p

    i need to give me some birthing classes or some shit....hahahhaha if im gonna be pushing everytime they count to three ima stress the shit outta my baby....
  • *adding to birth plan.. don't tell me when to push, I'm sure my body was made for this and it knows what its doing.

    My list for them is pretty sarcastic :) @gabbyc
  • hahahahhaha @caroline8_p we tell em that there gonna give us a kick in the ass and tell us to go deliver at home hahahahahhaha..... i dont have much just no drugss endless i turn into the exsorcist, and a mirror to see baby when coming out....i hope she dont get to comfy in mommys lart ass...hahahahah
  • Ohhh.. I need to add mirror to my list! Didn't even think of that! @gabbyc

    Ill tell my way or the highway. Lol
  • no actually october 21st L-) @caroline8_p lmao! i feel u girl but i feel lots of movement like strong kicks thats good right?
  • Definitely! There are days where she is less active, but I still feel her. Lately she's been doing gymnastics! This is the only part of pregnancy I like... the kicking.
  • @suprisenumber3 yes I have seen the actual cost of a doctors visit. i know it can get expensive I had to pay outa pocket for my first pregnancy, im just sayin if she doesnt want to go to the er every time theres a problem. Dam girl there is no need to get mad n yell.

    I used to go to a clinic n I payed 30 dollars for a visit.
  • I have had to pay out of pocket so far and it sucks. But the Dr just took me out of work due to my blood pressure so I am hoping that I can get medicaid now to atleast cover the delivery. I didnt mind paying when I had a job lol!! kinda hard to do now. 13 weeks left!!!! woohoo!
  • I pay out of pocket for my doctor's visits. At my doctor's office, the total amount for prenatal visits and the birth of the baby (plus, your 6 week postpartum check up), is $3150. If you keep a credit (keep the balance above 0) the discount you get is nearly $1700. So I'll only be paying around $1200. I had "good" insurance with my first two babies, I paid more for the damn insurance than I'm paying out of pocket now. Prenatal care IS important. There may be nothing wrong, but there are tons of tests they do now, that weren't available back in the day. Get yourself seen as soon as you can. Tell the office that you have applied for insurance, and they won't charge you. Good luck and God bless!
  • I'm in ky an I had Medicaid wit my last an it took them forever to get it done ! Keep callin them if u have to . Atleast ur takn ur prenatals I'm sure babys fine jus keep bugging them I had to. I swore id nevr go thru Medicaid over here again . Luckly I found out I was prego after I got on hubbys insurance good luck to u :)
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