Lower back is really hurting

edited June 2011 in Pregnant
And i'm only 21 weeks! Everywherer says I should be feeling great, but I've had horrible back pains for the past 4 days and nothing helps. If its this bad when she only weighs 14 ounces, I dont know what i'm going to do...


  • I know what you're going through. I was in pain from 6 weeks onward. Here's what helps me, lay down as much as possible, ice pack on the lower back (almost butt), avoid sitting for a long time, get a massage from BD, pelvic tilts, and move slowly! I'm being induced Monday to avoid permanent damage.
  • Oh, and get a pregnancy pillow!
  • I'm sorry! Maybe its not just pregnancy related, perhaps a visit to chiropractor should help..hopefully ur insurance covers them.
  • Thanks @jaime77 @babykixalot what are pelvic tilts? yay! Monday is so close!
  • Is it both sides? I was having the worst back pain of my life about 2 weeks ago and it just got worse to the point i went to the emergency room. After a three say hospital stay turns out it was kidney stones. Ans i still haven't passed them sp I'm still in horrible pain but they gave me stuff for them. I can go the rest of my pregnancy having them and I'm 20 weeks 2 days!! I know how you feel girl: ( lol
  • I also suggest letting your doctor know. I started getting back pains around 20 weeks and was referred to a physical therapist. She showed me some specific stretches to do and I just got a maternity support belt. I hope it works.
  • if the lower back pain does not get better consult ur doctor
  • @sara102011 yes, but mostly the middle of my lower.back, o jeez, I don't want kidney stones. @carrielee and @preggointx I tools him at my appointmemt yesterday, but he's kind of an ass and just said to get used to it, i'll probably end up going to the emergency room eventually
  • I was told by mine that if i started getting real sick it could be a kidney problem and literally a hour after i left i started throwing up. Didn't stop for over 24 hours so went in. Just watch it! But if its your middle back its probably just the baby! I'm also not a doctor lol
  • Thank you! @sara102011 i'll wait it out, if I haven't gotten sick yet then I doubt I will
  • @Kimberly4411 Pelvic tilts are aweosme! You get on all fours, drop your back slowly like someone is pulling your belly to the floor, and then slowly arch your back like an angry kitty. Repeat and voila! They can help during labor too. Your partner can even help you do a similar version of the pelvic tilt while you lay on your side. I hope you feel better, hun. It's just no fun!
  • u should bevause dull lower back pain can be a sign of something seriously wrong so I read
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