I used to go to a shooting range all the time now that im prego i dont.. but I know my baby can hear me talking to her so I fig shooting could hurt her ears or scare her. so to be on the safe side I wouldnt go.
I shoot as well and have a shooting school to go to when i will be 33 weeks. I asked the owners and they have done a bunch a research and said no problems at all. they just had a woman who was 38 weeks at class and all was well. I also asked my dr and she was totally fine. although you are shooting a rifle and she was a little concerned about "kick back". I would say you are fine but double check with your dr. have fun and congrats!!!!
Hmm the only thing I would be worried about it how loud it is but I don't know if it would really bother the baby. I sat through fireworks with my first.
If you do decide to shoot, if you're shooting a handgun, be veryy sure to wash your hands very very good. If the slightest amost of gunpowder resadue (sp) gets into your system, it can harm the baby veryyy badly. This is from a family experience. Other than that, you should be okay as long as you practice all the safty stuff.