anyone having a water birth?

edited June 2011 in September 2011
Did research and I'm going to ask my doc tomorrow at my appointment. What's everyone's thoughts?


  • I'm 35 weeks and I'm planning on a water birth(: I can't wait.
  • I hope I can do it. Otherwise I might have to change to another doc or get a midwife.
  • I didnt get a midwife until I was 27 weeks pregnant and even until then, my OBs didn't feel welcoming or helpful. I'm not,saying all OBs are like that, but I was unfortunate. But when I told them I wad going to have a homebirth instead, they were kinda,rude and trying to convince me otherwise. I'm glad I stuck with my decision though, I love my midwives.
  • When u do water brith does that mean no drugs? And insurance covers it?
  • My doctor doesn't do it :'( I asked about it. He even kinda smirked when I asked :O
  • I won't be able to :(. The only upside is that if I go into labor on my own, the hospital has laboring tubs, but I will likely be induced. Being high risk rules out a home birth, but at least if something goes wrong, I will be in a hospital.
  • I'm wondering if I can do it at my hospital. They have whirlpool tubs and my doctor is really nice and midwife-y for an ob gyn. She's already pro-natural and she said she does a lot of natural births. If they won't let me give birth in the tub, maybe I'll just cheat and labor in it "too long" ;)
  • Haha I like that idea Victoria!
  • I want one but I have to go to a military hospital and unfortunatly they don't have tubs :( I made this decision way too late oh well lesson learned I guess good luck to you
  • iwas told there r no midwives In Mississippi ): I wantd a natural, at hme birth. .I saw online several diff water births.. sucks for me, icnt. I didn't even research midwives around here after iheard tht just going off wat I heard frm others.
  • Does medicaid pay for this?
  • @roxy, yeah, it means no drugs. And some insurance pays for midwives but not many do unfortunately
  • I hopefully want a water birth at the hospital, if i NEED a epi i can just get out the water and ontoo the bed, i like the idea of being cleanish as soon as ive had my babs :)
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