apparently being pregnant means i am disabled?! *vent*
So I sign up for the summer triatholon. It is three months long and consists of biking 112 miles, running 26.2, and swimming 2.4. I am currently six months prego and figure that I can do this safely because the run will be just jog/walk for me. When I signed up everyone looked at me like I was psycho and was like your pregnant. No shit did you just figure that out...I never even noticed I had a lil bun in my oven??!! So I responded back I didn't know being pregnant took away my ability to swim, ride a stationary bike, and walk/jog. Plus I had three months not one dayto complete all this! Ugh I hate being seen as I am disabled, I am active duty military fool and work ten hours a day. Working out is my only stress relief from some of the idiots I work with.