baby daddy drama... -__- UPDATE**

edited June 2011 in Pregnant
I hate the fact that I feel like he's hiding shit from me. One of his friends mom invited us to a bbq..he kept acting like he didn't want me to go with him. So I asked him a bunch if he just didn't want me to go. And he said "I do, but idk..." every time I asked. So today, an hour before it started, I said I would come get him and we could go together. He then said that he was busy cleaning and would be an hour late. Okay, that's fine. But then he texted me 20 min later saying that he's already wtf really?!?! And I was on facebook and one of his ex's is also there and her status said "hanging out with Robert<3". What the helll! I'm so furious. I asked him wtf was he thinking and that I was hurt. And he got mad at me for being upset. Idk what to do :/


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