Help I Need ideas for baby names

edited January 2011 in Pregnant
I'm not sure if I'm having a boy or a girl. All ideas are welcome, but there is a guideline to follow. Seven years ago my sister had her first child. My mom wanted her name to be Mae, which is my moms middle name. My sister didn't want to name her Mae so instead she agreed to have her kids name begin with the letter 'M'. So all my siblings kids name starts 'Ma' There's Makiya 7, Malaija 4, Makayla 1, Malik 2 months, and Maurice who will be born in May. Now I need a name. Thanks in advance.


  • So do you need an M name too? I have a friend who named her daughter Mykelti I love that name! As far a boy the only names that come to mind are Mark and Martin.
  • edited January 2011
    @Maranda3 Yes M how do you pronounce the girl name..
  • Mia and Mikah
  • Those are pretty I love Mikah...
  • edited January 2011
    I like Matthias for a boy ( Ma-thigh-us)
    And Maelaney for a girl ( I would pronounce it Ma-lane-ee)
  • me too, Me and my boyfriend were talking about names other day and we both came up with them two....
    also hes called Malik
  • Marshay, Maylene, Marie, Mya, Monte. That's all I can think of.
  • I was thinking Matthias.My boyfriend doesn't agree. Malaney is nice too I'm going to check with him.
  • All the names are awesome. I was lost. Now I have hope. lol
  • Well tell him Mattias means Gods Gift in Greek, meanings change opinions, sometimes.... I like "deeper meaning" names...
    I think we have chosen Roan Theron
    And Rilynn Arianna
  • edited January 2011
    Those are strong names that you chosen. Yea he stuck on naming the baby Michael his middle name. I refuse to have a common name for the baby lol he also like Maxmillian... I think he will never learn to spell his name on time for kindergarten... and eventually lose the millian and go by Max
  • edited January 2011
    Yeah I hear ya girl, I would pull the "let's compromise"and stick that plainess in the middle of that name!! Lol!
    Call him Matthias Michael ______......
  • Have ya'll considered Makenzi
  • edited January 2011
    No I've came up with these
    Mackailynn Mac-Kay-lyn
    Mackana Ma-can-a
    Mckale Mic-Kay-le
    Mikko Mi-ko
    Mikyal Me-Ki-El
    Meika Me-ka
    Mazel May-zel
    We just may do the bargain he picks only the middle name
  • Lol.... awesome, I love a man that'll compromise! :)
  • Don't we all... lol yea he is a happy camper
  • I wanted an ol'skool name, like Joesphine, but mine was NOT having it! He demanded "different", he didnt like Arianna either but I gave him Rilynn, and I demanded "Ari", so he agreed.....
  • Ps how did you post a pic, I can't figure it out...
  • Lol yea my boyfriend isn't with the fancy names. He think I should name the baby if it'd a girl and he should name if its a boy. Lol no way my son name would probably be Optimus Prime or Spawn lol I do not trust his naming techniques he also likes Ashton...
  • just use the computer log in go to settings it will prompt you to change picture
  • Ashton is very cute, I also like Asher.... I thought about Kial (kyle), but I still wanted something more unique, his name is Keegan, and he loves his name!! So we had to go for something just as strong n different!

  • Mykelti is pronounced Ma-kel-t
  • Malaki is cute for a boy or Madison or Makenzi for a girl.. my sister trying to get me to name my baby Ashton
  • I like Makale but if u stress the le @ the end, is it lee or lay ? I like just Makale (ma-kle) the end rhythming with pale.....
  • *mckale sorry
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