sex!! tmi

edited June 2011 in Pregnant
So me and my hubby just had sex and I was laying on my back and stopped breathing for a second... omg scariest thing ever.. anyone ever had this happen before?


  • Not that I can think of. Your husband must be better than mine lmao ;)
  • Lol trust me he probably isn't... mabye it was just from laying on my back I'm 36 weeks so mabye not such a good idea to be on my back like that. @onemoreontheway
  • @onemoreontheway...lmao! Well I ain't never stopped breathing but Ive been aching down there the past couple times we've done it, but it only aches when I stand. It hurts really really bad too! I think it may me some muscle or nerve being hit. Its lasts for hours though.
  • No, but its very hard for me to breathe good anyway most the time
  • @mommyof3tobe we don't do it often because it hurts and gets very swollen but it was the wierdest thing ever I just couldn't breath or take a breath for a min. Just felt tears coming out my eyes. It was so scary.
  • Wow that scarey...ok no more laying on back!! Lol yeah I've swollen up and had itching and discharge sorry if tmi. Doc told me nothing was wrong with me though. Idk what's wrong with my body this time being preggo.
  • You may have put some pressure on your lungs. Try doggie style next time our maybe you on top?
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