edited June 2011 in Pregnant
I need some advice help anything I've been dilated at 4cm since I was 38 weeks went to the hospital Friday and was sent home. I'm not having consistent contractions so they didn't keep me. What can I do to induce labor, there is a lot of pressure down there...any ideas


  • I did the exact thing for a month tried so many things to get it going finally 9 days late I refused to go home again so they induced. Good luck. I hope you find something to work. Try nipple stimulation I never tried that one
  • Lots of sex. Thats what got me to start dilating.
  • The only thing I haven't tried are Castro oil and sex hubby finds it weird now since he knows our baby girl will coming ...but for she's not coming at all. I'm completely uncomfortable!
  • They sent u home??? Usually they have to admit you at 4cm :/ and try sex they say that helps out or jumping jacks that's what I did and my water broke
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  • If u have sex it can dialate u by 2cm, that's if u have sex a lot. Seman has prostangilands, I think that's how its spelled and that's what cause ur to have uterin contractions, also having orgasms to. Do nething to stimulate ur utures. Primerose oil also helps ripen ur utures. I am in the process of trying to dialate. I have done a lot of research. Walking doesn't put u into labor. It doesn't cause uturen contractions, and that's what u need. But it don't hurt to walk.
  • I've walked I scrubbed my floors I've walked up n down a lot of stairs no sex hubby is scared to hurt the baby ¦\ ha but its killing me now I have a cold and I'm coughing and sneezing all day I don't know i don't know if my water is leaking or if I'm peeing a bit...I try to smell it since the water is suppose to smell sweet but with my cold I can't...I'm completely frustrated
  • I have an update ladies I was admitted at 7pm at 6cm no pain...I've been 7cm since 9pm they broke my water at 1230am and now the waiting game begins...thanks to all of you ladies for your help I greatly appreciate it :)
  • Squats worked for my friend
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